Cheyenne Walking

Life, love, and the pursuit of happiness in a midwestern town coupled with the drama of a virtual Walk Across America. What more could you ask for?!

Location: Ohio, United States

Thursday, September 28, 2006

A Ghost Story

Cheyenne and I saw a ghost this morning. This is not a piece of fiction. It was very dark this morning. Thunder storms had passed thru last night and the Big Dipper and Venus were no where to be found. The sky was black. We left a little early- about 5:50. I like going early- then she can sniff till her heart's content. We got up to Hickory Lane and started to cross the street. On the other side - I saw a man walking on the sidewalk heading north. Imagine this: one of those black silhouettes that people stand in their yards- that 's what I saw walking down the street-the one with the hat on. It was almost like a shadow. Cheyenne was balking at crossing the street. I blinked and looked again- whew- he was gone- surely it was a shadow. But my eyes involuntarily searched the sidewalk to see if I could find him. There he was ... a few feet up Jaycox! I could see the sidewalk, the woods, and the fence plainly- but it was like a distortion moving down the street. I watched till he vanished into the wooded background. Cheyenne did not want to walk on the sidewalk. She wanted to go down the street- but , obviously- this is just a trick of the light- so I dragged her onto the sidewalk. I realized that he couldn't have been walking in the woods next to the side walk because it is too thick. We hurried home. She did NOT even stop to eat at the Sweet Grass Cafe- just north of the bridge. I know what I saw- it lasted several seconds- a trick of the light? I hope so.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Crane Creek

Cheyenne and I (virtually) made it to Crane Creek last week. Not too far from Port Clinton- it only took a few days. Before I wrote this I was looking at the Crane Creek State Park site and was reminded that Magee Marsh is part of Crane Creek Nature Preserve. Magee Marsh is "down the road" from the Finken Homestead which still stands today in the shadow of Davis-Besse. A few years ago Mom and I went to "visit" the relatives. Most of the Finkens now reside in Rushau Cemetery in Carroll Township- just "down the road " from the homestead. The Latter Day Saint Church in which her uncle preached is still standing. I heard stories about her first teaching position- a one room schoolhouse- in Carroll Township. She pointed out "Old Mr. Peters' House" where she lived while she was teaching, and related the story of how her father raffled off the beautifully packed picnic lunches for the "box-lunch social"- the school's yearly fund-raiser. She was so proud of him - that after conquering his battle with alcohol- he could once again be a respected member of the community. I also heard the story about Magee Marsh. "That good for nuthin' swamp land. They couldn't use that land at all- they tried draining it- but it always filled up again- just a breeding ground for mosquitoes- a worthless piece of property," she said to me one day when I told her I was going bird-watching at Crane Creek and Magee Marsh. Funny how things can change - both people and places - sometimes for the better.

(Photos are from H.W.'s collection-from Magee Marsh)

Monday, September 18, 2006

"Choose Your Own Cheyenne-Adventure"

For those of you who have never met Cheyenne- she's a real beauty isn't she! Now you can put a face (or a tail) to all the stories you hear. This is a different type of blog this morning- I'm going to list some things I encounter on my walk and you can "Choose Your Own Adventure"!

-garbage day! (always exciting)
-deer crossing
-unknown slimy objects that Cheyenne tries to eat and I have to reach halfway down her throat and pull them out
-half moon
-fingernail moon
-sweet grass
-troll under the bridge
-fresh mulch (Cheyenne LOVES the scent of fresh mulch)
-blinding high beams
-gooey spider webs stretched between branches hanging over the sidewalk
-Yippy and Yappy
-bunnies (lots of bunnies!)
-Old Spice, Brut, English Leather! Don't know which one it was- but men dressed for work and taking out trash to the street sure smell good!

Hope you enjoy this! Next blog- Crane Creek.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Here at Last!

Whew! That was a long 14.3 miles when you only walk two miles a day- at the most. These are old postcards of Port Clinton. The City Hall one is from 1956. More important than the front is the back: "Dear Folks, Just a card for now. I got the box of candy Sat. when I got home from work. Thanks. I went to 8 o'clock church then went for a long ride with Florence & Ollie & Esther. We had our dinner and supper out. Love to all, Mom "
"Mom" was my grandmother. One of the many strong women in my life. My grandmother at this time was woking in Magruder Hospital in the laundry. She walked to work, was on her feet all day washing bed linens. Her second husband had died suddenly from a heart attack the year before. So she was widowed for the second time.
The second card is the famous Island House Hotel-which still stands. It was sent to my parents as a congratulations on the birth of "Elizabeth Ann" , my sister. Mr. Montgomery was a distant relative and ran a boarding house. When my dad first went to PC he lived at Mr. Montgomery's.
Madison Street hasn't changed much. Take away the classic oldies and put some trucks and vans in there and it would look much the same.

My next destination is Crane Creek- just 5.1 miles from Port Clinton. This is a beautiful nature preserve on the shores of Lake Erie. Each year Chuck and I try to get out there once- in May. before the foliage hides the new arrivals.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Why I Don't Want Summer to End

A little off the topic- believe me Cheyenne had nothing to do with these beautiful flowers. But they are just one of the reasons I don't want summer to end. I received these plants for Mother's Day. My daughters, Amy, Megan, and Erin went together and got the plants and put them in three large planters for the front steps. They have given me joy every time I pull in the drive, feed the birds, or water the lawn. Yes, they are starting to look a little ragged, a little brown around the edges, and have a few less blooms. But, I 'll treasure them for as long as they last and with a little sadness - I'll remove the pots, empty them out, and store them in the garage for next year. I know, I know - it happens every year. And I know I'm rushing things a little bit, but I think I'm ready for spring.

Friday, September 08, 2006

This morning's walk was stressful. I'm very tired by Friday. If Griffin and Cheyenne weren't in cahoots, I'd have slept longer. But when the coffee starts brewing, the cats get me up. Once conscious, I drag myself out of bed. This morning I slept till 5:30. Didn't get up till 6:00 - so Cheyenne and I were going to have a short walk. Little did I know how short it was going to be. We must have had something in our yard last night because she pulled me all the way down the street. No "Jungle" passing today. No "Sweet Grass Cafe"- my arm hurt and I was tired. So we walked to Williamsburg, crossed the street, and headed home.

I think sometimes I don't appreciate Cheyenne enough. I don't value her dog traits. I value her friendship, companionship, obedience, and loyalty. But I don't often think about her "dog qualities". I'm annoyed by her sniffing. Other dogs walk down the street with their heads up, looking around obviously saying,"What'z up? How'z it hangin'? What'z happnin?" They look interested in the world. Cheyenne- nose to the ground- is obviously a "talk to the tail" kind a girl.

Sometimes I get a glimpse of what she sees with her nose- a rabbit races under a bush, six deer trot across the road, a skunk waddles into the sewer. If I could be like Arthur in T.H. White's Once and Future King - or switch places with Cheyenne like they did in Freaky Friday- what would I "see"?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Catch Up!

Last week was one of those weeks- a million things to do and I felt like I had no time. So this will be just a newsy little catch-up. We made it to Cedar Point last week- Cheyenne was dying to go on the Old Mill Race (she HAD to sit in the front), the Mine Ride, and the Gemini (my coaster won!). Then we opted for a quiet ride and took the Frontier Boat Ride but everytime one of those "revenooers" shot at us she hid under a bench. We ended the day with pizza and beer at Lil's Saloon and I had to carry her the next 9.1 miles to Marblehead. What an exhausting weekend!

The Marblehead Lighthouse has been in existence since 1822. Benajah Wolcott, a Revolutionary War veteran was the first lighthouse keeper. When he died in 1832 his wife, Rachel, took over. She became the first woman lighthouse keeper on the Great Lakes. I bet she would have interesting stories to tell! For more information on the Lighthouse and the Wolcott's see

Cheyenne and I are 2.9 miles into the next 14.3 leg trek to Port Clinton.

Oh yes, Cheyenne went to the vet last week. Her allergies are acting up, red feet, red belly, red ears. She got antibiotics and an allergy shot. The exciting news is she lost 1 pound!!! Must be those turkey dogs!!