Here at Last!
Whew! That was a long 14.3 miles when you only walk two miles a day- at the most. These are old postcards of Port Clinton. The City Hall one is from 1956. More important than the front is the back: "Dear Folks, Just a card for now. I got the box of candy Sat. when I got home from work. Thanks. I went to 8 o'clock church then went for a long ride with Florence & Ollie & Esther. We had our dinner and supper out. Love to all, Mom "
"Mom" was my grandmother. One of the many strong women in my life. My grandmother at this time was woking in Magruder Hospital in the laundry. She walked to work, was on her feet all day washing bed linens. Her second husband had died suddenly from a heart attack the year before. So she was widowed for the second time.
The second card is the famous Island House Hotel-which still stands. It was sent to my parents as a congratulations on the birth of "Elizabeth Ann" , my sister. Mr. Montgomery was a distant relative and ran a boarding house. When my dad first went to PC he lived at Mr. Montgomery's.
Madison Street hasn't changed much. Take away the classic oldies and put some trucks and vans in there and it would look much the same.
My next destination is Crane Creek- just 5.1 miles from Port Clinton. This is a beautiful nature preserve on the shores of Lake Erie. Each year Chuck and I try to get out there once- in May. before the foliage hides the new arrivals.
I feel there really is a coffee house named sweet grass cafe. You put so much realism in your writing I do tend to forget it is a virtual walk. One thing...Marblehead Light House. Mom and Dad used to park there....remember this was the 30's...before he went to work on aft shift and after she finished at the restaurant. I believe it always had a special meaning for her.
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