The past few mornings Cheyenne and I have walked south on Jaycox to Hickory Lane. It has become obvious that Cheyenne has three favorite spots - The Jungle (the wooded empty lot on the east side of the street), Troll Bridge (so named for the troll that must live under it because Cheyenne insists on stopping every time, pokes her head through the rails and leans over so far that one of these times I think she'll fall through) and the Sweet Grass Cafe (a yard that is edged with a split-rail fence and juicy tall grass). This morning was rush hour at Sweet Grass Cafe. Cheyenne stopped for her usual morning munch and had been chomping away for several minutes when I turned and noticed there was a line behind us! A man and his dog, a big Golden Retriever, were waiting. Behind him, across the corner was a lady with a wiry black-haired mutt). I think Cheyenne and I were holding up the line. It reminded me of Monday mornings at Starbucks. I wonder if they have take-out?
Now to get caught up on my virtual walk- I made it to Old Woman's Creek on Mon. for a total of 28.7 miles. Old Woman's Creek is lovely, they have several pairs of bald eagles. You can always see a Blue Heron or two. My next stop is Cedar Point, Sandusky(9.8 miles) . After that I will be visiting the Marblehead Lighthouse (9.1 mi.), and then my birth place, Port Clinton (14.3 mi.).
I think that Sweet Grass Cafe would be a great name for a business. Maybe it could cater to the human and canine crowds.
You and Cheyenne are doing great with the walking! When you get to Cedar Point, will you take her on one of the rollercoasters? I can see her, ears flying back and tongue out:)
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