This morning's walk was stressful. I'm very tired by Friday. If Griffin and Cheyenne weren't in cahoots, I'd have slept longer. But when the coffee starts brewing, the cats get me up. Once conscious, I drag myself out of bed. This morning I slept till 5:30. Didn't get up till 6:00 - so Cheyenne and I were going to have a short walk. Little did I know how short it was going to be. We must have had something in our yard last night because she pulled me all the way down the street. No "Jungle" passing today. No "Sweet Grass Cafe"- my arm hurt and I was tired. So we walked to Williamsburg, crossed the street, and headed home.
I think sometimes I don't appreciate Cheyenne enough. I don't value her dog traits. I value her friendship, companionship, obedience, and loyalty. But I don't often think about her "dog qualities". I'm annoyed by her sniffing. Other dogs walk down the street with their heads up, looking around obviously saying,"What'z up? How'z it hangin'? What'z happnin?" They look interested in the world. Cheyenne- nose to the ground- is obviously a "talk to the tail" kind a girl.
Sometimes I get a glimpse of what she sees with her nose- a rabbit races under a bush, six deer trot across the road, a skunk waddles into the sewer. If I could be like Arthur in T.H. White's Once and Future King - or switch places with Cheyenne like they did in Freaky Friday- what would I "see"?
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