The Cheyenne Awards

I can't let the Oscars pass without at least a mention. I admit I didn't watch the whole thing. I did get to see a bald Jack Nicholson. Wouldn't have recognized him without his sunglasses. I particularly liked the best screenplay prelude. It was interesting to hear the screenplay read and then see how it translated into a scene. Mostly, I sat there and said, "Didn't see that, didn't see that, didn't see that..." You get the idea. Without my brother-in-law and sister-in-law to prod us into an evening out- we tend to become couch potatoes, with our eyes closed. But the Oscars did bring to mind some of my favorite movie lines. So welcome to the First Annual Cheyenne Awards for most meaningful movie lines.
The Cheyenne Award for:
Science and Nature goes to Star Trek: The Motion Picture for "Fascinating",
Anti-Procrastination goes to the musical, Newsies for "Open the gates and seize the day, don't be afraid and don't delay..."
Romantic Sentiment goes to Jerry Maguire for "You had me at hello"
Unconditional Love and Acceptance goes to The Wizard of Oz for "There's no place like home, there's no place like home..."
Understatement goes to Jaws for "You're gonna need a bigger boat."
The Daily Grind goes to Dirty Harry for "You've got to ask yourself one question, 'Do I feel lucky?' "
and my personal favorite,
Lifetime Achievement Award goes to Toy Story for "To infinity and beyo-on-d!"
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