"Celly" Mystery Pics!

I know you're screaming, "Nooo! Not another cell phone story." And , yes, it is - so with that said- read on if you must-or- I'll catch you next week. Santa brought Chuck and I picture phones for Christmas. Chuck is very proud of his phone number- since out of everybody he knows - he has the largest digits- only 308 away from a new city exchange. I'm thrilled with them because for the first time in my life-I have a technological wonder toy- BEFORE- my kids! ( * Disclaimer- except for one son-in-law. Thanks- Josh -for ruining my record. You loved that picture of Beckett, didn't you?)
Over the holidays we used our phones a lot. I took pictures of the girls, the pets, the Christmas trees and shared them all with Chuck. Now that our life has settled down my picture taking has turned into a "GUESS WHAT THIS IS?" experience. During the day, I take pictures and send them to him. He's so lucky -I'm sharing my daily experiences with him. Just this past week he received a picture of the &*^#^* truck that almost killed me on my drive to work (if I died- he could find the sucker and sue his pants off), the rodent strip that my ADD/HD kid had plastered to his foot and is now stuck to the middle of my floor. (Don't ask how that happened!) and another picture from my "closet" - a goldfish bowl with a dead goldfish. The only problem is- I haven't quite figured out how to use all the extras on my phone. Despite my daughters' attempts to teach me how to text- I'm have a classic case of text-exia. I haven't yet learned to attach a text message to the photo. So, during his day at work his phone beeps, and beeps, and beeps-nicely reminding him that he has a message-until he checks it out. Then he has these mystery pictures that come up. I don't quite know how his mind works- (it's only been 35 years). How does a dirty fishbowl with a dead fish in it turn into a middle-finger salute with a ring on? Hmmmm- maybe cell phone images will be the Rorshach test of the future. After reading this blog -I'm hoping the rest of my family will run out and get camera phones.
You, too, can get "Mystery Pictures from Mom". After all The Family Thats Clicks Together-Sticks Together.
I love your line "The meat of his lecture will be left for another meal.." Excellent
You forgot the always Monday night favorite of Michael Irving
"He got Jacked Up"
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