True Colors!
This week our Basic Skills group had one of our monthly meetings. We had a speaker talk to us about the "True Colors" program. True Colors is a take off of the Myers-Briggs personality assessment. But instead of word labels , you are assigned a color. So you are either green, blue, orange , or gold- which in terms of characteristics you are either curious/knowledge, harmonious/dependable, duty/responsiblility, or freedom/risk-taker. The idea is to be able to see what color your students are and then you can respond accordingly for teaching styles, behavior plans, etc. Also, they can self-assess since they get assigned a color- which is much easier to understand than "intuitive/extrovert". There were two interesting things I learned from this exercise. 1. I'm not in the majority- I try very hard to just be "normal", not stand out, and go with the flow. Out of 50 teachers, there was 1 group of 5 of us greenies (curious/knowledge) and 1 group of 4 orangies (freedom/risk-takers). Everyone else was either blue or gold! Sooo- does that mean I'm in the wrong profession??? The second thing I learned was - not every one can laugh at themselves- but the people that do have a lot more fun. We saw a video- of a green wife getting ready for work in the bathroom with her blue hubby. It reminded me very much of Jackie Gleason, Art Carney, Alice, and Trixie -what characters- "To the moon, Alice, to the moon!" - I was laughing my head off at the front table- but when I turned around - some people weren't even chuckling. Of course, most people in there aren't as old as I am. And that's the way the morning went. Where all my "good" and "desirable" traits became foibles for jokes. I had a great time!
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