Whine.... Please
Yes, I'm going to whine. Everyone knows my all-time favorite place to be is Border's . The smell of coffee wafting around the books is a scentual-visual orgy. Just walking through the door is a powerful aphrodisiac. Do I read first or head right for the cafe? Usually I read first because I have to go through the books to get to the cafe. Border's Cafe has been on my whine list since they changed to Seattle's Second Best. First of all, they have no clock. Nada-zip, zilch, none. Tempus fugit? I know not- because there is no clock anywhere. I've overlooked this little problem since I can always check my phone. But now a bigger problem has arisen. It affects my mental and emotional well-being throughout the holiday season. I stopped last night for my first cup of the season- Pumpkin Spice. No, they now have Autumn Harvest. It tastes like dried weeds and sumac brewed to perfection. Sometime in November I would then slip into the Christmas mode with Holiday Traditions. I'll stick my neck out on this one- I bet they have no Holiday Traditions either.
Let's see. No clock, no 20% off coupons anymore, no Pumpkin Spice, no Holiday Traditions-hmmm- Why am I going there? I think it's time (although it's hard to tell with no clock) to move on down to the "Bookstore Who Must Not Be Named"- as I affectionately refer to it in my whiny e-mails to the Border's people. I'm sure Barnes and Noble has a comparative "Rewards" program- with coffee.
That sucks. "Then they weren't your friends anyway, honey, & they don't deserve you!" (good advice someone told me once or twice....)I just heard today that there's a small used book shop in bay off dover center- just opened like a month ago- on E. Oviatt. Camille says it's NOT just big piles of paperbacks. I wanted to go check it out- sorry especially to hear about the pumpkin spice- I don't even like flavored coffee, and it was really good. It will be missed. (moment of silence, please.) -Love, Amy
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