
"Creighton -Barrow"...Housewares answer to Abercrombie and Fitch. They have something for everybody, even Inspector Gadget could find a cool tool here! However,there were no crates and no barrels! I had heard so much about this wonderful store that I was eager to see it. I must admit, there was one point in our venture where I was heard to say, 'All this cool stuff makes me want cook, almost." Wow! That's saying a lot, because I love to eat, but hate to cook. Another thing that surprised me were all the inventions that I didn't know existed. I felt like The Ice Man after being thawed out. There was an egg timer- that drops in the water with the egg and turns different colors for a soft, medium, or hard boiled egg, there were special tongs for picking up asparagus, and all sorts of glassware. Does anyone know-what's the purpose of a roly-poly shot glass? From a functional point of view, I appreciated the store being small enough to look through completely without my roller blades. Everything was color coordinated so I would have no problem putting together things that match. (Austin Powers will be glad to know that turquoise is groovy again.) For someone who's "fashion-challenged" not having to think about stuff like that is a plus. I'm particularly fond of my new toys: a bendable ice cube tray that makes long cylindrical cubes, a steamer WITH a tall handle, and mini-plastic fruit ice cubes. I'm currently working on my list for my next fun trip to "Creighton-Barrow".
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