All's Well That Ends Well

I know you're all dying to hear the tail-end of the skunk story - excuse the pun. (See previous post) I blasted WMMS for three days and nights. Luckily, during the night the dog slept with me and with her snoring on the pillow next to me I couldn't hear a thing. By the third day the smell was dissipating. Success! But what does THAT say about WMMS? I had ordered critter repellant and last night we threw a stocking ball of fox urine under the step. This morning the chipmunk is moving his stash. He must be a brave little guy to keep going back in where no critter dares to tread. At least he's got a beautiful day to find a new home. The household is getting back to normal. The cats are less twitchy, the dog is STILL snoring, Chuck survived his "golf bootcamp". All's right with the world.
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